5 Keys to Going Alcohol-Free

Because I think that your approach at 1000 hours dry, of being an alcohol-free lifestyle, rather than a label of being an addiction or recovering from addiction, welcoming all people is really exciting. Or did you just want to feel more productive with your life? Reminding yourself every day of your goals in life will keep you focused on why you would want to stay alcohol free. Alco­hol can affect your brain func­tion by impair­ing the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between neu­rons, which can lead to short-term mem­o­ry loss.

alcohol free lifestyle

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle is for high performers, including entrepreneurs, executives, investors, athletes, and top professionals. As you begin your journey of building a life without alcohol, I encourage you to turn your focus away from any long-term goals that feel out of reach and focus on your feet and what is right in front of you. Redirect your awareness toward each step you take. Are you leading yourself in the direction you want to go?

You’ll feel fantastically proud of yourself 🙂

But essentially, the fixed mindset is more of when you believe that you have fixed traits, that we’re kind of we’re born as we are, we’re born with the character defects and, and you know, our personalities and our talents. And you can’t really change who you are fundamentally, you just kind of are stuck with what you have. And you got to you know, if you’re good at something, you’re good at something if you’re not, you’re not. And the other is growth mindset, which is the mindset that, you know, everything is learnable everything is teachable, you know, I’m not saying that we can all go, and you know, swim like Michael Phelps.

I’m like, fuck you, I’m gonna do it, even if I don’t want to. But then after that, like you can’t just not use, that’s white knuckling it, alcohol free lifestyle you’re not going to recover, you’re just gonna be miserable. Give back is like, How can I be of service to others in recovery today?

No More Chasing Stress with Alcohol

And they’re so nervous of doing that, that it makes them not quit, as it were. But what is almost always the case is that, once you actually get through that hard bit and focus just on that, as you say, you become much more resilient, and much more confident. And from that place, you have such clarity over what it is you want. And that may not mean everything’s easy, or you know, everything’s does not sort of unicorns and rainbows as it right away. But you are able to, to just deal with whatever you need to deal with in a much more balanced way, much as much less drama, when you’re sober.

Two local women start podcast promoting an alcohol-free lifestyle – KOAT New Mexico

Two local women start podcast promoting an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Posted: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

When you stop drinking, you’re able to create your own routines and traditions that are often more meaningful and more relaxing. Many people discover that by cutting out the time spent drinking and recovering from alcohol use, they have much more free time and energy to fill it with. This newfound free time allows them to discover new hobbies and sources of happiness in their lives. They’re also able to be more present at major life events and celebrate in new, thoughtful ways. And it really should be sort of a transformational time and a self-time of self-awareness and self-care. And once you kind of are like I’ve learned about what alcohol does to you both physically and emotionally.

Why millennials are increasingly choosing an alcohol-free lifestyle

You’ll also notice just how differently alcohol is treated than other mind-altering drugs, like how it’s the only drug that you have to explain why you don’t use it. Have you https://ecosoberhouse.com/ ever been asked why you don’t smoke cigarettes? If you’re a woman of child-bearing age, expect people to ask (or wonder) if pregnancy is the reason you’re not drinking.

Anyway, nobody would have known there was an issue. And we think that there are people who need those alcohol services. And then there’s everyone else and everyone else is 100% Fine, just occasionally gets drunk.